Random Act of Kindness!


Make your day and someone else’s day too by ordering a Random Act of Kindness bouquet!  We will deliver a mixed bouquet of seasonal blooms to any organization or person in Bedford County!  Fill out the attached form with your giving preferences and watch for your Random Act of Kindness on our Instagram page.  Since we can’t ship our fresh blooms, Random Acts of Kindness bouquets are perfect if you want to be part of the Little Otter Flower Farm community but don’t live nearby.  What goes around comes around, so share the kindness. If you order a Random Act before our flowers bloom we will deliver it as soon as we have flowers!

In stock

    Provide a contact phone number for us to call before delivering to make sure someone will be there.

    If you want your Random Act of Kindness to go to a specific person or organization please enter the name here.

    Please be as specific as you can (e.g. room number, any special directions) so we can get your Random Act of Kindness delivered!

    If you would like to include a specific message please write it here.

    Your Details

    Enter one of the following: e-mail OR Instagram OR cell phone number for text
